8 Tips to Reduce Stress at Work

Managed Services

8 Tips to Reduce Stress at Work

Reduce Stress at WorkAccording to an article on Forbes.com which addresses workplace stress, the typical business professional takes on between 30 to 100 projects at any given time. That’s a lot to keep tabs on! The article also states that about 40% of adults have trouble sleeping at night due to feeling stressed. In this fast-paced and demanding day and age, it’s more important than ever to reduce stress at work.

Here are 8 Tips to Help Reduce Stress at Work

  • Take Care of Your Health – When we take care our health, we are better equipped to deal with stressful situations, boost productivity, and make better decisions. Eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep are important for our health, and constantly pushing ourselves in the end will do more harm than good.
  • Schedule Your Day – Most people plan to work, but do you plan your work? Scheduling and prioritizing tasks will help you stay focused and meet important deadlines.
  • Delegate Tasks – Teamwork can go a long way when it comes to reducing workplace stress. Don’t try to tackle the world by yourself!
  • Be Organized – While “they say” a messy desk is a sign of a creative mind, it can also promote a chaotic mind. Having an organized and clean workspace helps save you time trying to find things and will help you remain focused on important tasks.
  • Work on Communication – Good communication skills will help reduce the chance of mistakes made by misinterpretation. Mistakes made by others can cost time and money so by becoming a better communicator, you can significantly reduce stress at work.
  • Take a Vacation – There’s a reason many employers give full time employees PTO; happy employees make better employees! Schedule vacation time within the year where you can unplug and forget about work.
  • Take Advantage of Technology – Technology in the workplace has exploded in recent times. Don’t have time to travel across town for a meeting? No problem, there’s video conferencing for that. Trouble remembering to leave for an appointment? Set a reminder on your smart phone. There are a million-plus ways to use technology to reduce stress at work.
  • Keep Your Technology Up-to-Date – This is one that’s completely avoidable. Computer problems can cost a company a lot with downtime and data recovery.

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