Risk #3: Potential Backdoor Threats

Network Security

Risk #3: Potential Backdoor Threats

vulnerability scanningBusinesses today have to be concerned with external servers where information is stored on cloud servers and on cloud services such as Dropbox or Gmail. Web applications and websites are exposed on web servers.

Is your internal network open to outside attack? Is your system truly secure from outside threats? Just because you have a patch management process or minimum security policies, doesn’t mean they are effective.

Vulnerability scanning is the only way to provide the visibility to protect your systems and data. Vulnerability Scans are security assessments that identify known vulnerabilities with the use of automated tools. Protect your portals: run an external vulnerability scan that reveals every “backdoor” through which an intruder might break into your network.

Vulnerability scanning is the systematic identification, analysis and reporting of technical security threats. External scanning provides insights into what vulnerabilities are being exposed through your firewall to the outside world. Internal scanning looks at vulnerabilities behind your firewall.

  1. Continuous Scanning: Vulnerability scanning should not be a onetime event. Instead schedule scans at regular intervals so new risks can be discovered as they occur.
  2. Compliance: Regular vulnerability scanning keeps your network security in compliance with internal departments, auditors and business partners. Use as part of your PCI compliance program.
  3. Reputation: Impact goes far beyond just data loss. There is a financial cost to hackers as well as a loss of reputation.

Article by Scott Huotari, President CCSI, Google | LinkedIn

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