Secure Password Protocol for Business Network Security

Network Security

Secure Password Protocol for Business Network Security

business network securityImplementing effective password security protocol is critical for any small business.  A strong password requires a unique letter-number combination, punctuation marks, and variation between capital and lower-case letters.  A strong password is an effective way to increase network security.  Steer clear of birthdates, maiden names, or passwords you frequently use on other devices.

Ensuring that your employees select safe and secure passwords, however, is not all you can do to improve the safety of your information.  Oftentimes individuals become comfortable with a memorized sequence of numbers, letters, caps and punctuations.  This kind of complacency opens up your business for unwanted attacks.  Requiring employees to change their password on a regular basis goes a long way in protecting your network.

While it is simple enough to require that your employees follow the correct protocol—it is equally as important that employees understand the purpose of these passwords.  Simple mistakes can often be at the root of disastrous security breakdowns.  For example, storing all your password information as a digital file or on a sheet of paper in your wallet can cause terrible headaches on the back end—something as annoying as a lost wallet or hacked email account can be as dangerous as a full-fledged hack.  An employee who understands the purpose and necessity of such high levels of security is a valuable asset for any company.  Don’t just force password security; explain it—intelligent, informed employees are at the heart of small business network security.

Article by Scott Huotari, President CCSI, Google | LinkedIn

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