Mobile Device Security Can Give You Grey Hairs

Network Security

Mobile Device Security Can Give You Grey Hairs

mobile device securityMobile device security is now more than ever a big issue as the capacity of these devices increase. Persons work more efficiently with them but the question is how to maintain security in a business or company while allowing these devices access to the network. IT staff are responsible for walking on this tight rope however protecting the integrity of a company network system is always top priority.

How can you lock down the devices in your workplace? Here are 7 mobile device security procedures you can implement.

  1. Update OS: Smartphones generally will automatically update themselves. Other devices may need to be manually checked to keep them updated to the most current operating system available.
  2. Lock Screens: Set all smartphones and tablets to automatically lock when left unattended. It is too easy for someone to pick up an unlocked device and access mail or worse.
  3. Approved Apps: Setup a list of approved apps that can be downloaded. You can also setup guidelines that will help insure that an app is safe. This could be as simple as only allow downloading of apps that have a minimum of 1000 downloads. This helps protect from malware.
  4. Lost / Stolen: Require employees to immediately report lost or stolen devices so IT can make sure the employee is immediately logged out of the network. A quick deactivation of a user is one option or the changing of a password is another.
  5. Security Software: Install a security program on phones such as Lockout Mobile Security which a free app for android phones. It offers a find your phone feature, online backups and even a remote wipe capability.
  6. Inventory: Keep a detailed inventory on a spreadsheet of all devices including serial numbers, model numbers and SIM card IDs.

Disposal Policy: When a device reaches the end of its useful life setup policies and procedures for wiping memory. If a discharged employee fails to return a device, Microsoft Exchange has a service that will remotely wipe the device.

Article by Scott Huotari, President CCSI, Google | LinkedIn

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