
Smartphone App Security – A Lesson from Starbucks

Smartphone App SecurityThe news broke out today that criminals have found a backdoor through smartphone app security for the Starbucks rewards programs, leaving many customers with drained bank accounts.

While Starbucks has promised to refund customers’ money, it still proved to be a huge hassle for many, and it brings to light some smartphone security measures that we all should address to protect our personal data and accounts.

So, what happened?

Starbucks issued a statement saying that the company itself was not hacked, and that the individual cases of hacked accounts were likely due to weak customer passwords. Starbucks has not stated whether or not they will be making changes to app security. If you’re concerned, we suggest paying with cash or card and skip the app. Otherwise, here are a few tips for smartphone app security.


Smartphone App Security – Tips to Avoid App Hackers

Use Strong Passwords – Using weak passwords makes things easy for hackers to break into apps on your phone. For tips on creating strong, easy-to-remember passwords, click here.

Change Your Passwords Regularly – Failure to change your passwords regularly leaves you more at-risk for a hacker getting a hold of it.

Don’t Store Payment Information on the App – If you don’t store this information on your phone, it won’t be there to find if a hacker does actually break through.

Logout After Leaving Sites – Many sites may keep you logged in if a browser session is open. Always be sure to log out of sites to make sure this doesn’t happen.

Only Download Apps with Strong Security Measures in Place – Avoid downloading sketchy apps because chances are, security isn’t top-notch.

Install updates – Most app updates include security fixes.

Turn off Wifi and Bluetooth when you’re not using them – App hackers hitch a ride on Bluetooth and wifi to do their hacking. If they aren’t turned on, they shouldn’t see your phone.