My Internet Browser Uses a Lot of RAM 1
Internet office productivity

My Internet Browser Uses a Lot of RAM

Internet Browser Uses a Lot of RAMYou may have noticed that your internet browser uses a lot of RAM; possibly more than many of the desktop programs you might use. This is most certainly true if you use the newest versions of Chrome and Firefox. But is it really a bad thing that your internet browser uses a lot of RAM? First you have to understand how RAM works.

How Does RAM Work?

It’s usually a good thing when your computer utilizes RAM. RAM works like a quick reference for recently used information, using it as a quick access to the programs and information you use most. If your computer and programs are running well, there’s no reason to be concerned about the amount of RAM your computer is used.

Should I Be Concerned That My Internet Browser Uses a Lot of RAM?

Internet browsers of the past didn’t used to have the advanced functionality of the browsers we use today. The days of basic static text and photo webpages are in the past. The newest internet browsers utilize plugins, extensions, and support web apps that are just as functional as their desktop counterparts (like in-browser messenger apps, games, document editing).

Internet browsers are also utilizing RAM to become faster and more reliable. By splitting up the processes within the browser, it’s less likely to crash the entire browser if one of the tabs or plugins crash. Other features, like prerendering for example, are utilized by some browsers to help load pages faster at the expense of RAM.

Why Empty RAM is Rarely a Good Thing

Empty RAM on your computer is an unused resource that could help your computer or programs perform better. Cached data, like that used by internet browsers, is marked low-priority, which means that it can be instantly freed up to reallocate to something more important.

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